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Sheila Greenbaum

Senior Counsel

Capes Sokol

I met Ruth 20-plus years ago when she moved from Boston to become Director of Development for Jewish Federation-St. Louis. I had the pleasure and privilege of getting to know Ruth both as a consummate professional as I served as Federation’s Campaign Chair and subsequently, Board Chair; and, she became a treasured friend over the years. During her tenure at Federation, Ruth conceptualized and executed on a number of highly ambitious and successful campaigns; these included annual, capital, endowment, and multi-year. In some instances, Ruth, on behalf of Federation, lent her fund-raising expertise to Jewish community partner agencies to jump-start their individual campaign needs.

Ruth was highly successful at the Federation. There has yet to be a Development Director to emulate her record. It is obvious that Ruth went on to apply all of her skills to the benefit of Boys and Girls Club in St. Louis as well.

Ruth is generous with her fund-raising knowledge and technical expertise as also evidenced by her on-going volunteer activities in the St. Louis community, e.g., Jazz St. Louis, Central Reform Congregation.

My recommendation of Ruth for facilitating fund-raising success would be incomplete without mentioning a few of her personal attributes which provide a solid foundation for her professional direction.

She cares deeply about institutional needs when the institution serves individuals who are disadvantaged by a lack of equity in our society’s institutions or by injustices perpetrated by systemic conditions.

Ruth brings her passion along with an ever-optimistic world view which enables her to relate to any personality type and to remain undaunted as obstacles might appear.

I consider Ruth the role model for a successful development director and believe in her ability to enter a new situation, size up the situation, and conceive of a plan for forward movement.

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